Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to Find the Best Moisturizer for Acne Prone Skin

Some think that moisturizers are a strict no-no for acne prone skin but it is not true. Moisturizers are as important for an acne prone skin as it is for any other skin. Your skin needs nourishment and this you can provide from various resources, one being a moisturizer. However, an acne prone skin can be very sensitive. So, you may want to use the best moisturizer for acne prone skin. It is always a good idea to visit a dermatologist and ask him/her for a solution. He/She may be able to tell you what kind of moisturizer would be best for your skin. Acute problem with acne may also require medication, which only your dermatologist will be able to suggest.

Dermatologists are doctors specializing in the treatment of skin problems. You can find several treatment options from him/her. Besides the treatment, you should regularly follow your cleansing, toning and moisturizing regime. Many individuals who suffer from a problem of acne think that since it is due to excessive oil, using a moisturizer is not the right thing to do. The truth is, you need to keep the pores of your skin clean and nourished. Use the best moisturizer for acne prone skin after consulting your dermatologist.

If you are looking for a good moisturizer to use, then you have to be very careful about what you are using. There are ways to find the best moisturizer for acne prone skin. The first thing that you can do is read the label. This is the very first step that you can take towards finding the right kind of moisturizer for your skin. If you have an oily skin, choose a moisturizer that is oil-free and noncomedogenic or non-acnegenic. These products will not leave any added oil on to your skin and make it feel greasy. These products are also much less likely to clog the pores, thus helping you avoid unnecessary breakouts.

When you are looking for the best moisturizer for acne prone skin, you must be careful about what you are buying. Creams are generally heavier than moisturizing lotions. If you are looking for something light, then go for a lotion. Find out if your moisturizing lotion contains exfoliating ingredients. There are many lotions that may contain alpha hydroxy acids, retinal, salicylic acid or any other exfoliating agent. These can help in improving your acne breakouts by increasing the cell turnover.

There are a lot of considerations that you must keep in mind. If you were using a topical acne medication then the best moisturizer for acne prone skin would be the one that does not contain any exfoliating ingredients. These ingredients can irritate the skin further cause an increase in flaking and peeling. Ask your dermatologist whether or not you should us a lotion that has an exfoliating ingredient. Your dermatologist is the best person to advise you on this. If you have an acute acne problem, it is better to not take any over-the-counter drugs without consulting your doctor.

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